Antoine Josserand IT Contractor IT team

Joined: 2004

Qualifications: M.Eng Computer Science and Robotics, Imérir, France
Certified Cicerone®

Interests: Family, Beer, Food and Running

Hometown: Nancy, France

Located: Dorking, UK

In the year 2000 I started as a junior web developer in France. In 2004 I joined Cara Technology as a developer and then as IT team leader. During my time I have helped design and code the various IT systems that we have in place today. These include our website, SensCheck™ and our Taster Validation Scheme™.

For five years I was a permanent fixture within the company. However since 2009 I have become an IT contractor, currently working for a few other clients as well as Cara Technology on a part-time basis.

I started home brewing in 2013, and my passion for beer has grown ever since then. In 2015 I passed my Certified Cicerone® qualification and to this day I continue to expand my beer knowledge. In 2015, I brewed my first commercial batch on my own pilot plant. In addition to this, I recently took up the position of head brewer at my local brewpub.

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