Problem Solving
The aim of the training is to:
- * To improve your company’s capacity to solve process problems by developing user-friendly computer systems, based on artificial intelligence.
- * To develop your expertise in the area of problem solving through practical examples.
- * To equip you with the tools and techniques needed to help you diagnose, solve and prevent operational problems.
Every company has problems. Some are small, some large. The key to success is an ability to choose which problems to tackle first and to systematically diagnose their causes. With knowledge of the cause, a solution is never far away, and steps can then be put in place to prevent a re-occurrence.
It all sounds easy! Why then do companies suffer from between 20 and 100 known problems at any one time with many more going undetected? Often the reason is simple – a lack of trained problem-solvers in your company.
And an untrained problem-solver, taking the wrong steps to fix a problem, may create several new problems in the process.
A typical brewing problem solving course would cover these topics:
- * Beer flavour problems (sulphur flavours, acetaldehyde, diacetyl)
- * Yeast-related problems (fermentation rate, attenuation problems, flocculation problems)
- * Microbiological problems (including problems involving lactic acid bacteria, strictly anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria, and wild yeasts)
- * Haze problems (including visible hazes, invisible hazes, bits and strings)
- * Foam problems (including poor foam quality and lack of cling)
- * Filtration problems (including run length and run speed issues, and associated quality problems)